Claire C T
  • English
Teacher & course
0 lessons done
Also Speaks
  • English
  • English
Also Speaks
  • English

I am an educator from Cape Town, South Africa. I have been passionate about teaching since I was 16 years old. I have taught in many different contexts, but my favourite knowledge set to share is the English Language. Another great passion of mine is music, which I also thoroughly enjoy teaching. I often bring singing and my performer's attitude into the classroom. I am a lover of books and nature. I enjoy hiking, dancing and singing every week in my various groups and clubs. I have been fortunate enough to travel to a few beautiful countries, such as Italy, Australia and Zambia. I am currently teaching ESL online full time and enjoy every minute of it.

- Bachelor of Arts (Psychology and Geography) + 2nd year English - Post Graduate Certificate in Education (High School)

Offline teaching experience: 0

Online teaching experience: 1

I have been both formally and informally involved in teaching for over 10 years. I have taught formally for 3.5 years, and informally for over 10 years. I first started teaching as an informal music teacher in various Church Youth groups, camps and holiday clubs. I taught and mentored teenagers and young adults between 2006 - 2016 in both personal development and music. I held various roles, such as worship team director, Youth Group coordinator and Camp coordinator. I have much experience running group programmes and managing and entertaining groups of children, teens, and young adults. My formal experience has been focused on High School Education, and ESL teaching. I have thoroughly enjoyed the various teaching positions I have held. I am comfortable with and passionate about teaching both children and adults in English. I have taught ESL both face-to-face and online for over a year. My first position was as an adult ESL teacher at Cape Studies Language School (2017). I then taught High School (Grade 8 - 12) in the subjects Geography, History and Life Skills (2018-2019). Although I did not teach English as a Subject, the language of instruction was English and I taught many foreign national students who required additional support because English was not their first language. In addition, the three subjects I taught require much reading and essay writing, where I marked, corrected and coached my students on how to improve their language and communication skills. I returned to ESL teaching but as an online teacher (Dec 2019). I expanded my ESL skills set and experience to children. I have been teaching ESL online for a year now with various companies, including Landi English, Preply, Palfish, Magic Ears, and iTutorGruoup. I have experience in teaching children and adults one-to-one and in group classes. I am comfortable with designing my own lesson materials for adults, as well as teaching and supplementing provided materials. I enjoy the unique challenges that each age group offers. I am particularly passionate about phonics, pronunciation and intonation with both adults and children. I am a high-energy and creative teacher with a passion for people and their growth.


Meet your teacher

By: Myngle Courses

Meet your teacher

By: Myngle Courses
Language: Personal consultation
Level: Basic
Lessons: 1
Your learning needs analysis session. This is a material that teachers can use for their first lesson, or introductory lesson to be acquainted with the student.
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